Get Tables
Gets the paginated list of all the tables from the given schema. If no schema is provided then the function retreives all of the tables from all of the schemas. pg_catalog and information_schema related tables are exempted, unless specified. The API can only return 100 tables at a time, starting from the offset number specified.
- schema : str, default None The schema to retrieve the tables from. If None is provided, refers to all schemas.
- verbose: bool, default False Whether to include only base information or verbose information on the tables.
- offset: int, default 0 The offset position of where to select the tables from.
- limit: int, default 100 The number of tables to retrieve. This value must range from 0 and 100.
A TablesResponse Pydantic object containing a List of either Table Pydantic or Base Table Pydantic models depending on the verbose parameter.
Enter: 'Bearer <JWT>', where JWT is the access token. Example: Bearer access_token_comes_here
Query Parameters
Successful Response (when verbose is set to True)
The response is of type any