Post Query
Executes queries using either a query string or a query template.
field holds direct queries or templates that can
be modified with specified parameters. You can also recall saved query
templates by their template_id
or template_name
. These templates, regardless
of how they are called, can be used with or without parameters.Authorizations
Enter: 'Bearer <JWT>', where JWT is the access token. Example: Bearer access_token_comes_here
Query Parameters
The schema to save the created table to. If no parameter is provided, defaults to "qm" if table_name is also not specified, and "public" otherwise.
The name that will be used to create the table produced by the query execution, if any. If not provided, defaults to a randomly generated name.
Determines if the table shall be overwritten or not if it already exists.
Specifies the maximum number of records that should be returned in the result set (max: 100).
A dictionary of parameters if a templated query is used.
The query string to be executed. Can either be a complete or templated query.
The ID of the query template to be used.
The name of the query template to be used.
The number of records that are affected by DML or DDL queries.
Shows the timestamp of when the query log was created.
Shows in which schema the destination_table is stored in.
Shows the table where the results are stored in (If the statement_type is a SELECT, a new destination_table is created. Otherwise, the destination_table_name shows the affected table).
The end time of the query execution.
Stores the error message if there was an error while executing the query.
The query string that was executed.
A unique ID that identifies the query.
Returns a sample of the data (max. 100).
Indicates where the REST API call was made from.
The start time of the query execution.
Shows the state of the query execution (either RUNNING or COMPLETE).
The query type (ex. SELECT, DELETE, etc).
The number of records returned with DQL queries.